
Fresh samples for my client

Fresh samples of Grade one Green Washed Arabica Coffee Beans,ready to my client.Above #14 screen size,Max 5% broken beans,moisture 12%.


Air-tight container

This kind of Air-tight container made in Taiwan,which is used for tea package(vacant bags inside),is very suitable for your hand roasted coffee beans.


Morning coffee

Using a Vietnam filter,rough ground,fresh beans roasted by myself,nice fragrance,nice flavor.


My coffee Grinder

Hand roasting by myself

In coffee industry about 3 years,this is the second time I roast my coffee.At the very first time it all fired.This time I had roasted it for about 24 minutes,intend to have a darker roasts.

Washed Green Arabica Coffee Beans

Commodity: Washed Arabica Green Coffee Beans
Screen size:
Quality: Baoshan Grade One(2012/2013 crop)
Breed: Coffea Arabica var Catimor/Typica/Bourbon/Caturra/Mundu Novo
Location: East longitude (98°44′—99°05′) 
           North latitude (24°46′--25°33′)
Altitude: 800-1200 meters
Climate: annual average temperature 21.3,annual rainfall 100-721.51mm
Soil: PH5.5-6.5

1.       Arabica coffee had been introduced in Yunnan Province China by a French churchman which is original purity of Bourbon.
2.       Large-scale cultivation had been taken more than 50 years.
3.       Eureka Awards 1993 in Brussels Belgium.

For sale:  http://www.tradekey.com/product-free/Arabica-Coffee-Beans-From-Yunnan-Province-China-1036627.html